
Rust Postgres

PostgreSQL database with Rust: basic how to

In this tutorial, we will learn how to connect to and manage a PostgreSQL database using the Rust programming language. A database is often an important component for any data-based backend system. For example, the Rust REST API project we made a while ago could really use a database connection implementation: How to implement a Rust REST API with warp. We will look at the basics of how to: The example code repository can be found on my GitHub: here. Prerequisites Some Rust programming knowledge is required to follow this tutorial. Docker installed. For some basic information on docker please…


How to build a REST API server with Rust and warp

In this tutorial, we are going to build a simple Rust REST API using the warp crate. We will learn how to handle simple create, read, update, and delete operations on an in-memory “database”. This tutorial has some similarities with an earlier tutorial that was also using warp. The full code example for this tutorial can be found on my GitHub: here. I also have an article explaining how to implement authentication with warp and JSON Web Tokens: JWT security for a Rust REST API: how to. If you are interested in using WebSockets with warp give it a read:…

How to connect to a Azure Kubernetes Service

This article is about how to connect to a Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster. We will look at the steps from installing the required tools to logging in to Azure using the terminal to exploring the AKS cluster to get information using a few simple command line commands. This article is aimed at Linux based systems. Prerequisites Please have an Azure account ready to follow along with. We also need to be able to access this account from the system we run the commands from. We are also assuming that there is an existing AKS cluster we want to connect…

What is Docker and why is it used: quick primer

This article is a quick primer on Docker for those who have heard of it but have never actually worked with it. Even if you have some experience working with it, this article will provide you with tips or context that will help understand Docker. But also how to use it effectively. Why use Docker In short, Docker makes application development, packaging, and deployment easier. But, why do we need these things to be easier as developers? First, let’s look at some problems that might occur in typical environment without Docker. Applications and their dependencies Each application we develop has…