python backend

Python backend with JavaScript frontend: how to

In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to build a simple backend with Python and a frontend in JavaScript. For the Python backend, we will make use of the Flask library. This will let us set up the backend with only a few lines of code. The main goal of this article is to demonstrate the interaction between a Python backend and a frontend. So the frontend will be as simple as possible. We will use plain JavaScript, without frameworks. Meaning, this will be a very barebones example UI. The full project’s code can be found on my…

Dockerized Flask RESTful API: how to

We are going to build a simple dockerized Flask RESTful API for managing collectors items. We will do this by implementing a simple REST API that let’s a client application manipulate a collectors_item resource. The REST API we will build will allow create, read, update, and delete actions on collectors_items. We will use the Python library Flask to do this. Together with a number of Flask plugins to make things easier. At the end we will also dockerize this API. In will continue to build out this project in other tutorials. For that reason, we need a solid, scalable foundation,…