
Rust Web3 token transactions from blocks: how to

In this tutorial, we will learn about how to get token transactions info with Web3 and Rust. What we will learn is how to get the latest block’s transactions. Then loop through those transactions, find which of them are ERC20 smart contracts, get the token name, and also which method was used in the transaction. For example, approval, transfer, mintItem, etc. that kind of thing. This is a follow-up to my article: Rust Web3 connect to Ethereum blockchain: how to. Note: since we will not be performing any transactions in this project, it is safe to use a connection to…

Candlesticks chart with 15 day and 30 day SMA

Plot Candles and SMA with Rust: learn how to

In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to plot Candles and the Simple Moving Average (SMA) technical indicator in Rust. We will use the plotters crate to make drawing a plot or chart easy. This will be a quick tutorial to learn the basics. For this simple tutorial, the data we will use is hard-coded data. In the next tutorial, we will download data from a real source and plot other technical indicators too. To calculate the Simple Moving Average we will use a function we wrote in an earlier tutorial: How to: technical indicators with Rust and…