
JWT security for a Rust REST API: how to

In this article, we will learn how to implement JWT security for a Rust REST API Server. At the end of this article, we will have a web server that has an endpoint for authenticating users, which will return a JWT. Clients are then able to use this JWT to gain access to the protected endpoint of our API. This article deals with similar concepts as two previous tutorials but combines them into one project. Here are the two previous tutorials: How to build a Rust REST API with warp How to use JWT with Rust: learn the basics here…

How to use JWT with Rust: learn the basics here

In this tutorial, we will learn how to use JSON Web Tokens (JWT) with the Rust programming language. We will go over the basics of JWT, the structure of a JWT, how to encode and decode a JWT. After reading this tutorial you will have a good fundamental understanding of how to use JSON Web Tokens. We will use the jsonwebtoken crate for this article. The full code example for this tutorial can be found on my GitHub: here. What is a JWT Before getting into the code, let’s first look at what a JSON Web Token is. Furthermore, why…