
Image input web Rust Yew app: Learn now

In this tutorial, we will build an image input web app with pure Rust and WebAssembly. We are going to use frontend framework Yew. With our Yew UI, a user will be able to select an image and submit it to the frontend app. Our frontend code will then produce an inverted color image and ASCII art based on the image. Just to demonstrate how to process the image data and do things with it. We will use the Rust front-end framework called Yew to help us create the user interface. For the image manipulation, we will be using the…

Ethereum transactions viewer app: Rust how to

In this tutorial, we will build an Ethereum transactions viewer app with Rust. This will be a full-stack Rust application. A benefit of this is that we can share the data model between frontend and backend. For the backend API we will use warp and for the frontend we will use the Rust framework Yew. Our application will make use of the Etherscan API to get data about transactions for a specified wallet address. This data will then be displayed in our Rust/Webassembly frontend. For this tutorial, we will keep the data we use and the frontend relatively simple. There…